1. Take a Mental Health Day

Whether you’re just too stressed with work or school, taking a Mental Health day will boost your mental health tremendously. Taking the day off by and doing anything to get your mind off what you’re dealing with at the moment can help calm you down and is totally okay. The next day you are sure to feel energized and ready to do your best!

2. Chores!

You heard that right! Doing chores and menial tasks are some of the best ways to better your mental health. By focusing on menial task, it can help calm you down and clear you head. Additionally, it makes you productive and getting stuff done that you might have been putting off. Maybe even consider listening to some music or invite a friend over and work on your chores together!

3. Take a Nap

Honestly, on some of the days that I’m feeling the worst, its probably because I haven’t slept. Whether it was pulling all nighters or relying on coffee to get you up, I can guarantee you that just taking a nap will help you SO MUCH. If you do have the time to take a nap, (like me honestly, school keeps me on my toes) try going to sleep earlier and not procrastinating on assignments. This will help you so much, sleep is very important to keeping you happy and healthy!

4. Journal!

This is by far one of my favorite tips, and I use this pretty regularly. Whenever I start having bad days, writing it down always seems to help. Just getting my thoughts on paper seems to make my thoughts make sense and I can kind of “release” them from my brain. I feel a lot better after just letting them go. For journals, I recommend getting one that’s good quality and a lot of pages, that way you can use it for years. I have one of my journals from 7th grade still!

5. Talk with someone you trust

Whether it’s a family member or friend, talking to someone you trust can really help if you are struggling with your mental health. I know that if I talk to my best friends, they will always give me some advice and make me feel better instantly. If you don’t have someone to take to, my comments are always open if anyone wants to chat!

6. Spa day!

I think this is the best way to rewind and de stress if your mental health is struggling or you’re having a bad day. Take a hot bath, try some new hair products, and take cairn’s of your skin. You’ll feel so rejuvenated and healthy after this, and its great day to make a bad day into a good one!

7. Watch a new TV show or movie

Watching a really funny movie or entertaining Tv show always seems to make my day better. My favorite tv-shows are “The Vampire Diaries, Grey’s Anatomy, and The Good Place,” just to name a few. Check them out, I highly recommend!