Police instigated violence towards Atatiana Jefferson, Pamela Turner, Korryn Gaines, Yvette Smith, Breonna Taylor, Miriam Carey, Shelley Frey, Darnisha Harris, Malissa Williams, Shantel Davis, Rekia Boyd, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, Tarika Wilson, Kendra James, Tyisha Miller, Kathryn Johnston, and many more innocent women in America. These are just a few of the many names that weren’t covered in the media or headlines.

Now is the time to be an ally to movements for racial injustice and fight for those who lost their lives to police brutality. In this article, you will learn some ways that you can help the Black Lives Matter Movement and the fight for racial justice. 

1. Donate

Following the death of these women and the protests in America, many fundraising efforts have been set up to raise money. Some of these include helping the victim’s family pay for funeral costs, contributing to national organizations who will negotiate change, criminal justice reform movements, and bailing out protesters who have been arrested. Anything can help, from 1 dollar to 100, to help create change. Below are some links to places where you can donate: 

2. Sign Petitions

Signing petitions is a free way to support the Black Lives Matter Movement if you are unable to donate. By signing petitions, you can demand justice for black men and women who were killed by police brutality and help to arrest the officers who killed them. Some petitions calling for justice include Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, and George Floyd. You can find more links to petitions on the google docs that I’ve linked here and here

3. Go to a protest

Throughout history, public protests have been held to demand change for causes that are important to many people. Mass demonstrations have been held before, such as women gaining the ability to vote and the LGBTQIA+ community being more accepted and given the rights they deserve. The Black Lives Matter Movement is no different than these. By going to protests and standing up for what you believe in, you can fight against the flawed police system and the many incidents of police brutality against Black people. 

Because of the current pandemic, many protests near you may be restricted or canceled. If so, there are other ways to protest, via Zoom and other electronic resources. If protests near you are still going on, however, make sure you bring masks and stay six feet apart from other people, to stay safe as you protest.

4. Spread Awareness through Social Media

During the social media blackout on June 2, 2020, many were able to show their solidarity to the Black Lives Matter Movement using the hashtag #blackoutuesday. This also prompted many social media influencers and community members alike to spread awareness for the Black Lives Matter movement. It also is an easy way for information to spread and for many to educate themselves on the current situation. Protests, Victims who needed justice, and Petitions circled social media and gained lots of attention from it, and many got the justice they deserved.

Also, make sure not to speak over black people’s voices and experiences. Try to amplify their voices and make sure they are heard. By listening to real experiences from black people and activists you can continue educating yourself. 

5. Support Black creators and Business Owners

If you want to help on a more personal level with Black creators or Business owners more in your local community, help them out by supporting and sharing their business on social media or online. Buy their products if they sell books, makeup, clothes, etc. Amplify their voices by sharing more about them and their shop and why people should visit it. By supporting black creators and business owners, you are helping the Black Lives Matter Movement as well. 

6. Watch stream to donate videos

Watching streams to donate videos is another free way to donate money to the Black Lives Matter Movement. It spreads a good message and 100% of the proceeds from ad revenue are donated to the Movement. I’ve linked a video that you can watch here. 

7.  Read books, watch films, listen to podcasts, and more by black creators. 

If you want to continue educating yourself about police brutality, the black lives matter movement, oppression, and more, reading books and watching films is an excellent way to do it. Some best-selling novels that you might like to read are So you want to talk about race, The Color of Law, and The New Jim Crow. There are a lot more books on Amazon that you can read to learn more. Some films you should consider watching are The Hate You Give, Malcolm X, 13th, and many others that can are on Netflix and Amazon Prime.

A less popular way to learn more is by listening to podcasts. One podcast that many recommend is one called The Echo Chamber Pod. It is hosted by Ez and Jade, who speak from their perspective as black working-class women. If you want to listen to them on Spotify, click on this link here.

8. Volunteer for Black-Led Organizations

By volunteering for black-led organizations in your area, you can become an activist who wants to end police brutality. You can help out in any way possible, by being an ambassador and spreading the word about the organization, or helping raise money to donate. The options are endless for ways that you can help. Look into those organizations located in your local area today to find out how you can help. 

9. Vote!

Voting is a powerful way to help the BLM movement. By voting for officials who will spark change in our current society, we can have a significant impact on the way things currently are. If you aren’t old enough to vote, even just supporting political movements and parties that are combating racism can benefit the Black Lives Matter Movement. 

10. Keep Listening and Learning

There will always be new and unique ways to help this movement. Keep your eyes and ears open to the black community and let them guide you and your actions. Keep educating yourself, and continue to listen to the black community.